Expiration policy
More about the expiration policy
Httpstub provides three basic types of evictions: size-based eviction, time-based eviction, and access-based eviction.
- Controls that the recorder should not store recordings larger than a certain size. The recorder storage will attempt to delete recordings that have not been used recently or very often. Warning: the storage may delete recordings before this limit is exceeded - usually when the storage size is approaching the limit.
Allowed settings:
1, 500, 30000
- When using this policy, record retention ceases after a specified amount of time has elapsed since the record was created. This can be useful if cached data becomes obsolete after a certain amount of time. Time expiration is performed with periodic maintenance during writes and occasionally during reads.
Allowed settings:
1h, 5m, 30s, 1000ms
Parsing is done through org.springframework.boot.convertюDurationStyle#detectAndParse(String)
- Evict data only after a specified time has elapsed since the last read access to the record. Note that the order of eviction of records will be similar to the order of eviction by size.
This policy has no settings
Expiration policy - time
Entry expires 1 minute after writing
Expiration policy - size
Stores one thousand records
Expiration policy - access
Entry expires after access, stored for 1 day and unlimited size
Last updated